The way I see it there are at least 4 stages to every break up.
1. Denial - This usually occurs in the hours and days immediately following the initial break up. You're probably unsure as to how serious you or the other person was about ending things and put yourself to ease by allowing yourself to think that this too shall pass. You question a lot: Were things really that bad? Am I being over dramatic? Will he/she/it change their mind?
2. Sadness/Depression - All you can think about are the good times you had in your relationship. You are more or less inconsolable and you check your phone, email, Facebook, etc. 200+ times a day hoping for some type of communication from your former significant other.
3. Anger - At some point a switch in your head gets flicked and suddenly all you can think about are all the bad times in your relationship. You have such immense anger and hatred towards your former lover that it keeps you up at night. You'll also probably be hating yourself for allowing things to go on for as long as they did. If you're still communicating with your ex this is the time you will start to get into stupid little fights that escalate into something huge and unnecessary.
4. Acceptance - One day you wake up and things just seem to suck less. You understand and accept that your relationship has ended and that it is for the best. You realize that there is no point in fighting anymore because it's not going to change the situation, the people you two are, or anything at all.
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